2001年在中国科杏鑫理论物理研究所获博士学位⛰。特聘教授。研究领域:粒子物理唯象学。研究方向包括♠️:中微子物理,B介子物理,超对称现象学等。共发表研究论文约30篇,论文总引用约700次。 主要研究成果包括🔼⛹️:超对称效应对B介子稀有衰变过程的影响的研究👷🏼♂️⚗️,对中微子振荡中物质效应的研究等。廖玮及其合作者关于超对称效应对B介子衰变影响的研究对超对称现象学的发展做出了重要贡献💚,欧洲大型强子对撞机实验将他们预言的衰变过程列为2011-2012年最重要的观测目标之一👨🦼。
2002年在中国科杏鑫理论物理研究所获博士学位。教授。粒子物理唯象学🧜♂️。主要从事的研究领域和方向包括重味物理和CP对称性破坏,超对称和额外维等超出标准模型的新物理唯象学🧔🏿♂️,对撞机物理。在新物理模型的直接和间接探测中🛁🤵🏿♂️,如B->phi K, eta' K过程的CP破坏👐🏿,B介子的双矢量介子衰变的极化问题方面,做了一些重要的研究工作💅🐗。目前已发表研究论文十七篇🌃,总引用率400余次🍡。
1 粒子物理唯象学: 中微子物理;重味物理和CP对称性破坏, 超对称和额外维等超出标准模型的新物理唯象学🧒🏻。
2 量子色动力学👉🧏🏼♂️:因子化理论和高能自旋物理🥷🏽。
3 引力理论:黑洞面积熵的微观起源🧖🏿,黑洞解🧑🏻🎨,量子引力。
4 场论和宇宙学:各种高维时空中的Casimir效应🚵🏼♂️,弯曲时空中的量子场论,黑洞热力学、拓扑缺陷和非拓扑孤立子、孤立子星、引力透镜。
5 数学物理🧋:量子少体问题,群论在物理问题中的应用。
1. QCD中横向自旋相关问题的研究, 桑华正,国家自然科学基金👩🏽🎤,2013.1-2015.12
2. 流体/引力对偶相关问题研究,孙佳睿,国家自然科学基金🚃,2013.1-2015.12
5. 引力透镜及其相关问题,程红波✍🏼👳🏿♂️,上海市重点实验室项目🖕,2010.5 – 2011.4
7.ADS/CFT对诱导的新物理模型和强子模型的研究,吴小红,国家自然科学基金 ,2009.1-2011.12
8.中微子物理及相关新物理的研究✋🏻,廖玮,上海市科委, 2008.1.1 --
1.Wei Liao, keV scale nuR dark matter and its detection in beta decay experiments, Phys. Rev. D82: 073001 (2010)
2.Wei Liao, Precise Formulation of Neutrino Oscillation in the Earth, Phys.Rev.D77:053002,2008
3.Wei Liao, Anomaly inflow mechanism using Wilson line, Phys.Rev.D75:065007,2007
4.P. C. de Holanda, W. Liao, A.Yu. Smirnov, Toward precision measurements in solar neutrinos, Nucl.Phys.B702:307-332,2004
5.T. Li, W. Liao, C. S. Huang, Neutrino bilarge mixing and flavor physics in the flipped SU(5) model, Nucl.Phys.B673:331-356,2003
6.T. Li, W. Liao, Weak mixing angle and the SU(3)c x SU(3) model on M**4 x S**1 / (Z(2) x Z-prime(2)), Phys.Lett.B545:147-152,2002
7. C. S. Huang, W. Liao, (g-2) (mu) and CP asymmetries in B0(d, s) ---> l+ l- and b ---> s gamma in SUSY models, Phys.Lett.B538:301-308,2002
8.C. S. Huang, W. Liao, Q.S. Yan, S.H. Zhu, B(s) ---> lepton + lepton - in a general 2HDM and MSSM, Phys.Rev.D63:114021,2001
9.C. S. Huang, W. Liao, Q.S. Yan, The Promising process to distinguish supersymmetric models with large tan Beta from the standard model: B ---> X(s) mu+ mu-, Phys.Rev.D59:011701,1999
10. Youngman Kim, P. Ko, Xiao-Hong Wu, Holographic QCD beyond the leading order, JHEP 0806:094,2008 [arXiv:0804.2710 [hep-ph]].
11. Chao-Shang Huang, Xiao-Hong Wu, Direct CP violation of B -> l nu in unparticle physics,Physical Review D77:075014,2008 [arXiv:0707.1268 [hep-ph]].
12. Chao-Shang Huang, Pyungwon Ko, Xiao-Hong Wu, Ya-Dong Yang, MSSM anatomy of the polarization puzzle in B -> phi K*, Physical Review D73:034026,2006 [hep-ph/0511129].
13.Jian-Feng Cheng, Chao-Shang Huang, Xiao-hong Wu, Neutral Higgs boson contributions to CP asymmetry of B -> phi K_S in MSSM, Jian-Feng Cheng, Chao-Shang Huang, Xiao-hong Wu, Physics Letters B585:287-294,2004 [hep-ph/0306086].
14.Chao-Shang Huang, Xiao-Hong Wu, B_s -> mu^+ mu^- and B -> X_s l^+ l^- in MSSM, Nuclear Physics B657:304-332,2003 [hep-ph/0212220].
15.Hongbo Cheng, “Casimir effect for parallel plates involving massless Majorana fermions at finite temperature”, Physical Review D82(2010)045005
16.Hongbo Cheng, “The Casimir force on a piston in the spacetime with extra compactified dimensions”, Physics Letters B668(2008)72-77
17.Hongbo Cheng, “The asymptotic behavior of Casimir force in the presence of compactified universal extra dimensions”, Physics Letters B643(2006)311-314
18.Jingyun Man, Hongbo Cheng, “Thermodynamic quantities of a black hole with an f(R) global monopole”, Physical Review D87(2013)044002
19.Leilin Wang, Hongbo Cheng, “The evolution of circular loops of a cosmic string with periodic tension”, Physics Letters B 713(2012)59-62
20.Hongbo Cheng, Jingyun Man, “The deflection angle of a gravitational source with global monopole in the strong field limit”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 28(2011)015001
21. X.-Y. Gu and S.-H. Dong, From Bohr-Sommerfeld Semiclassical Quantization Rule to Proper Quantization Rule, in A. Reimer (Ed.), Horizons in World Physics, Vol. 272, pp.187-210, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, 2012.
22. Zhong-Qi Ma and Xiao-Yan Gu, Problems and Solutions in Group Theory for Physicists, World Scientific, Singapore, 2004.
23. X.-Y. Gu👇,S.-H. Dong, and Z.-Q. Ma, Energy spectra for modified Rosen-Morsepotential solved by exact quantization rule, J. Phys. A 42(3) , 035303 , 2009.
24. X.-Y. Gu and S.-H. Dong,The quantization rule and the Langer Modification , Phys. Lett. A 372(12) , 1972-1977, 2008.
25. X.-Y. Gu, Energy for Two-electron Quantum Dots: The Quantization Rule Approach, Found. Phys., 36(12) , 1884-1892, 2006.
26. X.-Y. Gu, B. Duan, and Z.-Q. Ma, Independent eigenstates of angular momentum in a quantum N-body system, Phys. Rev. A 64 (4), 042108 (1-14), 2001.
27. J.P. Ma, H.Z. Sang, S.J. Zhu, Collinear Factorization for Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetry in Drell-Yan Processes, Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 114011. e-Print: arXiv:1111.3717 [hep-ph]
28. J.P. Ma, H.Z. Sang, Soft-Gluon-Pole Contribution in Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetries of Drell-Yan Processes, JHEP 1104 (2011) 062. e-Print: arXiv:1102.2679 [hep-ph]
29. J.-R.Sun, S.-Y.Wu and H.-Q.Zhang, Novel Features of the Transport Coefficients in Lifshitz Black Branes, Phys. Rev. D {bf 87}, 086005 (2013),arXiv:1302.5309 [hep-th]
30. C.-M.Chen, Y.-M.Huang, J.-R.Sun, M.-F.Wu and S.-J.Zou, On Holographic Dual of the Dyonic Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole, Phys. Rev. D82, 066003 (2010)[arXiv:1006.4092 [hep-th]].
31. C.-M.Chen, Y.-M.Huang, J.-R.Sun, M.-F.Wu and S.-J.Zou, Twofold Hidden Conformal Symmetries of the Kerr-Newman Black Hole, Phys. Rev. D 82, 066004 (2010)[arXiv:1006.4097 [hep-th]].
32. C.-M.Chen, J.-R.Sun and S.-J.Zou, The RN/CFT Correspondence Revisited, JHEP1001, 057 (2010)[arXiv:0910.2076 [hep-th]].
33. J.-R.Sun, Note on Chern-Simons Term Correction to Holographic Entanglement Entropy, JHEP0905, 061 (2009)[arXiv:0810.0967 [hep-th]].
研究生课程:量子场论♿️,规范场论,粒子物理,群论, 广义相对论等👓。
理论物理团队的国际国内学术交流广泛,已在国际学术界产生影响。近年来,已有美、德🔣、英、法、瑞士等国20多人次国际著名物理学家来访🩵,其中包括🫷🏿:普林斯敦高等研究所S.Adler教授(爱因斯坦讲座教授🛎,美国两院院士👋,狄拉克奖章获得者)👩🏻🍳,麻省理工杏鑫R.Jackiw教授(美国两院院士,狄拉克奖章获得者),慕尼黑大学J.Wess教授(德国马普物理所前所长,超对称理论奠基人),俄克拉荷马大学K. A. Milton教授。
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